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So far admin has created 204 blog entries.

Non-Destructive Testing Types

Non-Destructive Testing Types (LP/MP/UT/RX) Non-destructive test (abbreviated, NDT) used to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of a welded connection without damaging the equipment. The most common non-destructive tests are visual inspection, penetrating fluids, magnetic particles, radiographic (RX) and ultrasonic examination (UT). TYPES OF NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING In this article, we review the most common

2023-03-20T07:11:02+00:00March 20th, 2023|Industrial Articles|


A SHORT GUIDE TO WELDING STAINLESS STEEL The welding of stainless steel is substantially different from welding other materials. The difference begins with the unique chemical composition of stainless steel. What is stainless steel? Like other steels, stainless steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. What makes stainless steel different, though, is its

2023-03-09T02:42:24+00:00March 9th, 2023|Industrial Articles|


WHAT IS METAL AGING? Metal aging is one of the most common ways to alter the properties of a metal alloy. While many metals may have their properties altered through heating and quenching or work hardening, some metal alloys are specifically formulated to be aged. Aging can alter the physical and aesthetic properties of

2023-03-09T02:38:19+00:00March 9th, 2023|Industrial Articles|


HOW TO CUT METAL While metal is generally hard and tough, it is still able to be cut by several different processes. Understanding what the processes are and which option is best suited for specific metal types and projects is important when determining how to cut metal (of course, you can always visit Metal

2023-03-07T08:17:50+00:00March 7th, 2023|Industrial Articles|

Steel Plates Used in the Oil and Gas Industry: Properties, Applications, and Challenges

Steel Plates Used in the Oil and Gas Industry: Properties, Applications, and Challenges Introduction The oil and gas industry is one of the most important and lucrative sectors of the global economy. To explore and produce oil and gas, various types of equipment and structures are required, such as drilling rigs, offshore platforms, pipelines,

2023-02-20T06:53:33+00:00February 20th, 2023|Industrial Articles|

Succeed! AISI 4145H MOD Hollow Bar For Middle East Customers

Succeed! AISI 4145H MOD Hollow Bar For Middle East Customers Delivery condition: Quenched and tempered +QT; smooth surface. S.R. No. Quality Standard Steel Grade Dimensions Quantity OD ID Length PCS Packages Net  Weight Gross Weight Inch Inch Inch KGS KGS 1 API 7-1 AISI 4145H MOD 5 2 372 3 3 2370 2370 2 5

2023-02-17T05:42:28+00:00February 14th, 2023|Company News|

The 7 Flow Meters Used in the Oil and Gas Industry

The 7 Flow Meters Used in the Oil and Gas Industry Over the years, people who are involved in the oil and gas industry have been innovating and creating ways to get accurate measurements. From extracting to delivering these raw materials, everyone in the business has been deeply invested in getting the most accurate

2023-02-14T07:35:52+00:00February 14th, 2023|Industrial Articles|

What is the Material of Boiler Tubes?

What is the Material of Boiler Tubes? A boiler is a closed device that heats fluid (usually water) in. Don’t actually steam the gas. The heated or vaporized fluid leaves the boiler relying on Boiler tubes, cooking, and sanitation for use in different processes or heating applications such as water heating, central heating, power

2023-02-02T07:40:19+00:00January 30th, 2023|Industrial Articles|
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